Wannabes - My Simple Snippet sharing framework and community
Recently I was doing a Pentest, and I realised I am such a wannabe pentester, and I say this because I had to reach out my friends at Hack South for help on basic things.
I am a jack of all trades, master of none, and so, I do not know many things by heart especially when not used on a daily basis.
Most of the time I have a good idea of the concepts involved and the high level for any given engagement, but I sometimes lack the specifics, or exact commands.
So, all I need most of the time is a quick reminder to get me going on those details. A way to search for snippets for something I have forgotten and need a quick reminder of.
I thought about doing this in a community; a community can grow a repository of these quick snippets much better than what I will ever be able to do on my own.
So I give you https://pentester.wannabes.io/

It is super simple really. Each card represents a snippet: Title, Excerpt, and some tags as well as the person who added the snippet and the street cred they have received. At the bottom, you can give the snippet some street cred and the total street cred the snippet has received is also visible. Tags are fairly self explanatory, at least for me, but for the moment this is used to group snippets. We'll see where this goes 😜.

By clicking on the card title or excerpt, the snippet content page would be shown. The snippet is rendered from markdown and there is some syntax highlighting as well. Similar details can be seen to the right of the snippet.

The editor, when creating or editing a snippet, is really just a text area which is where the content of the snippet would be added.

And that is really it. Using search will hopefully help me to quickly find what I am looking for.
I want to build on this platform, so I open sourced the code. Priority on improvement requests will be given based on the leader board - the more you contribute, the more we listen 😝
Thanks for reading
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